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Official PES 2010 Cover Revealed!


New PES 2010 Images

Scans from Hobby Consolas

PESFan PES 2010 Q&A Part 2

Are any Championship teams in ML? What about other licenses?
No, there are no Championship teams in at this stage. Ligue 1, Serie A and Eredivisie are all fully licensed, with La Liga partially licensed with 10 teams and Liverpool and Man Utd licensed in England’s top division.

How many team’s in D-2?
18, and these can be replaced with edited teams from ‘OTHER B’ to create a custom second division.

Can I still change the teams in the top divisions?
Yes you can. For example you could swap out Liverpool for Celtic or Inter Milan for Team F if you so wished

What 'Other Teams' are in Div 2 of ML.
At the moment? Made up ones, and there no telling if this will change. They have a variety of European sounding names like Wondengine Town and FC Nortovka.

How many teams in the CL? Is it 32 teams in 8 groups of 4 like real life
Yes, the tournament follows the same standards as it does in the real world, same goes for Europa League. The only difference is that obviously the entire playoff rounds aren’t included, although some teams such as North London have to play the round two playoff to qualify for the CL group stages as they finished 4th last season.

Do you get new youth players at the start of a new season
The entire youth team won’t change, but the players who have grown too old and not been snapped up by you on a professional contract will be replaced by other re-gens.

Does ML keep any more stats of players (goals scored, etc)?
It keeps track of best eleven, European footballer of the year and international caps stats, as well as goals scored/games played etc.

Do these stats only start from when you play ML?
Yes, stats from previous seasons do not count towards a player’s stats, although they do accumulate the further you go in ML.

Has stamina changed so players can player more often without getting tired?
Yes, the greater the quality of your Athletic Trainer combined with the player's "Form" determine how tired they get and how much is accumulates.

Are South American sides or WE/PES United teams included in ML or the European competitions?
No, these teams don’t appear (unless of course the teams are edited into D2 and progress to finish high enough in the D1 league to qualify).

Will Europa League and Champions League end up on PC?
Both tournaments are currently set to be included on the PC although this may change.

When do you pay your player’s/club staff wages?
The first week in September, although if you buy a player in January you pay half their wages up front.

If I use default players in ML will they be the same as the youth team?
I couldn’t tell you, but I’d imagine the youth team players will be altered before the final version for this reason.

How many players can you negotiate with at once?
I seemed to be able to negotiate with 5 players at a time.

Will Become a Legend mode return in PES2010?
Yes, Be a Legend is confirmed and present.

Can you play as a defender/goalkeeper?
It doesn’t seem like it, the positions you could play in BAL seem to be the same as in 2009.

Are there different types of nets in different stadiums?
On the PC version I’m currently testing the nets appear to be the same

Can you edit nationalities of current player in edit mode?
No, nationalities don’t seem to be editable in PES2010 (PC version used)

How many cards can each player have?
Players can have a maximum of 11 cards.

Can you tell me anything about the Community mode hinted at?
Not too much yet, no, as this isn’t something which is playable in this version.

However in the Cup mode you can select Community as a cup, which has the description “The beauty of Community is its diversity. Add friends and play competitions of all sorts, and keep the match records which can be compared to see just who comes out on top! Make your Community the social hub where friends and football freaks alike come together!

Make of this what you will.

How many players can be in a Community?
In the Community Mode there’s the option to add 32 participants, whether this will relate directly to the finished product or not I don’t know.

What stats does Community seem to keep?
It appears to keep stats on average goals per match/goals conceded/average fouls/assists/yellow cards/red cards/shots off and on target/possession for every player.


PES 2010 Gameplay #14 - Germany v France
