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San Siro new turf v1 by meoshevka

Day, fine:
0.125641001251473882 San Siro new turf v1 by meoshevka
Day, rainny:
0.981547001251473936 San Siro new turf v1 by meoshevka
Afternoon, fine:
0.439120001251540025 San Siro new turf v1 by meoshevka
Afternoon, rainny:
0.983881001251540028 San Siro new turf v1 by meoshevka
Night, fine:
0.465783001251473908 San Siro new turf v1 by meoshevka
Night, rainny:
0.348905001251473928 San Siro new turf v1 by meoshevka

The Stadio Giuseppe Meazza, commonly referred to as simply San Siro because of its location, is a football stadium located in the San Siro district in Milan, Italy. It is the home of A.C. Milan and F.C. Internazionale Milano. The stadium is named in honour of Giuseppe Meazza, the two-time World Cup winner (1934, 1938) who played both for Internazionale and Milan in the 1930s and 1940s.
